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cyCONDOR provides several functions for exploratory differential analysis of cell population frequencies and marker expression. In order to run differential analysis, a pre-processed condor object is required, that has been subjected to clustering (and metaclustering) or one of the other labeling approaches (see vignettes: Clustering and cell annotation, Data projection and Cell type prediction) implemented in cyCONDOR. Further, the meta data slot cell_anno has to contain a variable with unique sample IDs and at least one grouping variable with two or more levels, e.g. indicating the disease status. Each sample ID needs to be unique and assigned to exactly one level of the grouping variable of interest.

Along this line, specifying the condor object, cell population labels as well as group and sample ID variables are central for most of the functions we are going to use:

  • fcd = flow cytometry dataset, that has been subjected to clustering or cell type label prediction
  • cluster_slot = clustering slot to use to find variable specified in cluster_var
  • cluster_var = variable in cluster_slot that identifies cell population labels to be used (e.g. clusters, metaclusters or predicted labels)
  • group_var = meta variable in cell_anno that should be used for the main grouping of the data, e.g. group or sample ID variable.
  • sample_var = meta variable in cell_anno containing sample IDs. This argument is not always required and usually indicates that the function requires, both sample IDs and group information. in those cases the group variable should be provided via group_var.

Load example data set

In this vignette, we showcase differential analysis with cyCONDOR on a data set comprising samples from two biological groups - patients (“pat”) and control donors (“ctrl”). Each group comprises three PBMC samples measured with flow cytometry. The dataset has been annotated by Phenograph clustering and subsequent knowledge-based metaclustering prior to this analysis.

condor <- readRDS("../.test_files/conodr_diff_016.rds")
# Let's check the meta data
#>               sample_ID group
#> ID10.fcs_1         ID10   pat
#> ID3.fcs_10001       ID3  ctrl
#> ID5.fcs_20001       ID5  ctrl
#> ID6.fcs_30001       ID6   pat
#> ID7.fcs_39050       ID7  ctrl
#> ID8.fcs_49050       ID8   pat
# Let's double check that clustering is available
#> List of 1
#>  $ phenograph_pca_orig_k_60:'data.frame':    59049 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   ..$ Phenograph  : Factor w/ 25 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 1 1 5 ...
#>   ..$ Description : chr [1:59049] "pca_orig_k60" "pca_orig_k60" "pca_orig_k60" "pca_orig_k60" ...
#>   ..$ metaclusters: Factor w/ 11 levels "Classical Monocytes",..: 1 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 3 ...
# visualize metaclustering
plot_dim_red(fcd = condor,
             expr_slot = NULL,
             reduction_method = "umap",
             reduction_slot = "pca_orig",
             cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
             param = "metaclusters",
             title = "UMAP colored by metaclusters", 
             facet_by_variable = FALSE)

Investigate cell population frequencies

In the first section we will focus on differential abundance testing of cell population frequencies and how to visualize them.

Investigating counts

As in manual gating based approaches, it is important to consider how many cells are actually underlying the calculated frequencies. You can either look at the cell counts per sample and cell population in table format with the getTable() function setting output_type = "counts", or visualize cell numbers with the plot_counts_barplot() function.

# get counts as data frame
counts<-getTable(fcd = condor,
                 output_type = "counts",
                 cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
                 cluster_var = "metaclusters", 
                 group_var = "sample_ID", 
                 numeric = F)
#>      group_var B cells Basophils CD16+ Monocytes  CD4  CD8 Classical Monocytes
#> ID10      ID10     111        13             342 1599 3266                3184
#> ID3        ID3     354        80             350 3654 1779                2338
#> ID5        ID5     493        35             219 3234 2270                2372
#> ID6        ID6     192        24             494 1301 2479                2102
#> ID7        ID7     171        59             143 4048 1350                2151
#> ID8        ID8      86        25             255 2758 2859                3008
#>      Mixed NK bright Nk dim pDCs Unconventional T cells
#> ID10     7       317    641   24                    496
#> ID3     48       464    825   80                     28
#> ID5    248       512    517   66                     34
#> ID6     90       667   1242   30                    428
#> ID7     10       515   1490   55                      8
#> ID8     31       247     79   54                    598

The plot_counts_barplot() function stacks absolute cell numbers of each cell population on top of each other for each group in the grouping variable, which can be set via the group_var parameter. In this case we would like to see counts per sample (group_var = "sample_ID") and further facet the plot by the disease group (facet_var = "group").

# visualize counts as stacked bar plot, faceted by group_var
plot_counts_barplot(fcd = condor,
                    cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                    cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                    group_var = "sample_ID",
                    facet_var = "group",
                    facet_by_clustering = F,
                    facet_ncol = 10

A faceting of the plot by cell population can be achieved by setting the parameter facet_by_group = T. Note that faceting by disease group is gone, this could be achieved by providing a facet_var as in the example above.

# visualize counts as stacked bar plot, faceted by clustering
plot_counts_barplot(fcd = condor,
                    cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                    cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                    group_var = "sample_ID",
                    facet_by_clustering = T,
                    facet_ncol = 5

Investigation of cell population frequencies

Next, we explore the cell population frequencies, for which cyCONDOR provides several visualization options.

Plot stacked bar plot

The plot_frequency_barplot() generates a barplot, in which the proportions of each cell population are stacked on top of each other. This provides a quick overview and large proportional shifts can easily by spotted.

plot_frequency_barplot(fcd = condor,
                       cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                       cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                       group_var = "group",
                       #facet_var = "group"

We can use the same visualization to show cell population proportions on sample level by providing the meta data variable “sample_ID” as group_var. An additional grouping (or faceting) of the samples can be achieved with providing a meta variable to the parameter facet_var. Here we set it to “group” to group by disease status.

plot_frequency_barplot(fcd = condor,
                       cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                       cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                       group_var = "sample_ID",
                       facet_var = "group"

Plot box plots

The plot_frequency_boxplot() function generates a list of plots, comprising one plot for each cell population in cluster_var. Each plot shows cell population frequencies in percent as boxplots for all groups provided in group_var. Individual values for each sample in sample_var are represented as a dot. (Short reminder: sample IDs in sample_var need to be uniquely assigned to one level of the grouping variable)

# factor levels can be used to influence plotting order of groupes on the x-axis
condor$anno$cell_anno$group<-factor(condor$anno$cell_anno$group, levels=c("ctrl","pat"))

# assign output to object plots
plots <- plot_frequency_boxplot(fcd = condor,
                                cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
                                cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                                sample_var = "sample_ID", 
                                group_var = "group", 
                                #groups_to_show = c("test"),
                                numeric = F,
                                color_palette = c("pat"="darkorange","ctrl"="purple"))

# the list of plots can be summarized to one graph, by using e.g. the cowplot package.
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = 5)

Confusion matrix

To get an overview across many cell populations and conditions at once, It might be more convenient to look at a heatmap. The function confusion_HM() first normalizes each group level provided in group_var to 1000 cells. Afterwards, for each cell population in group_var, the proportions of each group contributing to this population will be calculated. Note that this way, we normalize for differences in cell numbers. The uncorrected proportion of a group in a cluster might look quite different.

plot_confusion_HM(fcd = condor,
                  cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
                  cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                  group_var = "group", size = 30)

Export frequencies as data frame

In case you would like to visualize the frequencies yourself or perform other statistical tests, the getTable() function with output_type = "frequency" can be used to generate a data frame of cell population frequencies for all levels in a given group_var, e.g. biological group or sample ID. In this example, we add another metadata column “group_sample_ID” to have the combination of both available.

condor$anno$cell_anno$group_sample_ID <- paste(condor$anno$cell_anno$group,condor$anno$cell_anno$sample_ID, sep="_")

frequencies<-getTable(fcd = condor,
                      output_type = "frequency",
                      cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
                      cluster_var = "metaclusters", 
                      group_var = "group_sample_ID", 
                      numeric = F)

#>          group_var  B cells Basophils CD16+ Monocytes      CD4      CD8
#> ctrl_ID3  ctrl_ID3 3.540000 0.8000000        3.500000 36.54000 17.79000
#> ctrl_ID5  ctrl_ID5 4.930000 0.3500000        2.190000 32.34000 22.70000
#> ctrl_ID7  ctrl_ID7 1.710000 0.5900000        1.430000 40.48000 13.50000
#> pat_ID10  pat_ID10 1.110000 0.1300000        3.420000 15.99000 32.66000
#> pat_ID6    pat_ID6 2.121781 0.2652227        5.459167 14.37728 27.39529
#> pat_ID8    pat_ID8 0.860000 0.2500000        2.550000 27.58000 28.59000
#>          Classical Monocytes    Mixed NK bright   Nk dim      pDCs
#> ctrl_ID3            23.38000 0.480000   4.64000  8.25000 0.8000000
#> ctrl_ID5            23.72000 2.480000   5.12000  5.17000 0.6600000
#> ctrl_ID7            21.51000 0.100000   5.15000 14.90000 0.5500000
#> pat_ID10            31.84000 0.070000   3.17000  6.41000 0.2400000
#> pat_ID6             23.22909 0.994585   7.37098 13.72527 0.3315283
#> pat_ID8             30.08000 0.310000   2.47000  0.79000 0.5400000
#>          Unconventional T cells
#> ctrl_ID3               0.280000
#> ctrl_ID5               0.340000
#> ctrl_ID7               0.080000
#> pat_ID10               4.960000
#> pat_ID6                4.729804
#> pat_ID8                5.980000

Differential testing

cyCONDOR provides wrapper functions around frequently used statistical tests implemented in the rstatix package (link. The functions first calculate cell population frequencies given a condor object and a few arguments specifying the cell population annotation (via cluster_slot and cluster_var), sample IDs (sample_var) and grouping variable (group_var) to be used. The user needs to make sure that sample IDs are unique and only assigned to one level of the grouping variable. Afterwards the function automatically performs the testing and p-value adjustment.

Tests for two groups:

  • frequency_t_test(): parametric, two-sample t-test to compare two groups (paired or independent)
  • frequency_wilcox_test(): non-parametric, two-sample Wilcoxon Test to compare two groups (paired or independent)
  • In case of paired testing, a pairing variable (pair_var) containing the donor IDs needs to be specified and paired_test = T needs to be set.

Tests for three or more groups:

  • frequency_anova_test(): parametric one-way Anova for independent measures to compare three or more groups, with optional post-hoc testing utilizing emmeans tests.
  • frequency_kruskal_test(): non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test to compare 3 or more independent groups. Optionally, post-hoc testing with Dunne’s Test can be performed.
  • frequency_friedman_test(): non-parametric Friedman Rank Sum Test to compare 3 or more groups of paired data. Optionally, post-hoc testing with pairwise Wilcoxon Tests can be performed.
  • Whether post-hoc testing should be performed, can be regulated via setting the post_hoc_parameter to TRUE or FALSE. By default, post-hoc tests are performed for Anova, Kruskal-Wallis or Friedman Test with an adjusted p-value <= the threshold argument (e.g. kruskal_sig_threshold). P-value adjustment of the post-hoc tests is performed per cell population.

By default, p-value adjustment is performed using the conservative “bonferroni” method, but other methods available in the basic R function stats::p.adjust() can be chosen and fed to the cyCONDOR functions via arguments. (Note that post-hoc tests have a separate argument for this). We recommend to get familiar with the options in the p.adjust function at this point.

Here, we exemplary show how to compare two groups using a t-test:

#double check correctness of sample IDs to group assignment
#>               sample_ID group
#> ID10.fcs_1         ID10   pat
#> ID3.fcs_10001       ID3  ctrl
#> ID5.fcs_20001       ID5  ctrl
#> ID6.fcs_30001       ID6   pat
#> ID7.fcs_39050       ID7  ctrl
#> ID8.fcs_49050       ID8   pat
#perform test
results_t <- frequency_t_test(fcd = condor,
                                   cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
                                   cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                                   sample_var = "sample_ID", 
                                   group_var = "group",
                                   paired_test = F,
                                   p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")
#> # A tibble: 11 × 13
#>    cluster        .y.   group1 group2    n1    n2 statistic    df       p  p.adj
#>    <fct>          <chr> <chr>  <chr>  <int> <int>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 B cells        value ctrl   pat        3     3     2.01   2.67 0.149   1     
#>  2 Basophils      value ctrl   pat        3     3     2.67   2.43 0.0951  1     
#>  3 CD16+ Monocyt… value ctrl   pat        3     3    -1.36   3.58 0.252   1     
#>  4 CD4            value ctrl   pat        3     3     3.59   3.16 0.0341  0.375 
#>  5 CD8            value ctrl   pat        3     3    -3.73   3.27 0.0289  0.318 
#>  6 Classical Mon… value ctrl   pat        3     3    -2.03   2.27 0.164   1     
#>  7 Mixed          value ctrl   pat        3     3     0.713  2.55 0.536   1     
#>  8 NK bright      value ctrl   pat        3     3     0.411  2.05 0.72    1     
#>  9 Nk dim         value ctrl   pat        3     3     0.522  3.75 0.631   1     
#> 10 pDCs           value ctrl   pat        3     3     2.62   3.84 0.0615  0.676 
#> 11 Unconventiona… value ctrl   pat        3     3   -12.7    2.17 0.00447 0.0492
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: p.adj.signif <chr>, p.adj_method <chr>,
#> #   applied_test <chr>

As usual, there is no “one-solves-it-all” approach for statistical testing and it is still necessary to think about whether the given data meet the required assumptions for the test or what kind of p-value adjustment should be performed. But as mentioned above, the getTable() function allows easy extraction of the cell population frequencies that can be subsequently subjected to other tests, assumption checks or tools.

cyCONDOR also provides an easy way to perform differential abundance testing with tests implemented in the package diffcyt by Weber et al. (2019). It is important to note, that these abundance tests are not based on cell population frequencies but on cell population counts as input. For more information read the section Differential testing with diffcyt.

Investigate differential expression


cyCONDOR provides several functions to look at marker expression between groups or groups of samples.

Heatmap split by group

Heatmaps provide a convenient overview to show expression of many markers for many group and cell population combinations. The plot_marker_group_HM() function calculates mean value for each marker, group and cell population combination and performs centering and scaling on the data.

As mentioned in the beginning, the underlying absolute cell numbers should be considered when interpreting the expression, especially if the clustering or annotation is rather fine grained or larger proportional shifts are observed between the groups.

plot_marker_group_HM(fcd = condor,
                     expr_slot = "orig",
                     cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                     cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                     group_var = "group",
                     size = 8,
                     title = "Heatmap of expression", 
                     marker_to_exclude = c("SSC-A", "FSC-A")

Violin plot split by group

In contrast to heatmaps that only show an aggregated expression value, violin plots can be used to visualize the distribution of expression values. Providing a grouping variable group_var to the function plot_marker_violinplot() allows to split the violins by a meta variable available in cell_anno, e.g. disease group or sample ID. The horizontal line indicates the median expression.

plot_marker_violinplot(fcd =condor,
                       marker =c("CD57"),
                       expr_slot ="orig",
                       cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
                       cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                       group_var = "group",
                       color_palette = c("ctrl"="purple","pat"="darkorange"))

If a vector with more than one feature is provided via the marker argument, the function returns a list of of plots. The plots can be either plotted separately or can by combined, e.g. with the cowplot package.

plot.list<-plot_marker_violinplot(fcd =condor,
                                  marker =c("CD27","CD127 (IL7RA)"),
                                  expr_slot ="orig",
                                  cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
                                  cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                                  group_var = "group",
                                  color_palette = c("ctrl"="purple","pat"="darkorange"))

cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plot.list, ncol = 1)

Boxplots of aggregated expression

The function plot_marker_boxplot() summarizes the expression for selected markers for each sample-cluster combination, by calculating the median (fun = "median") or the mean (fun = "mean"). The values are grouped by a grouping variable group_var and are visualized as box plots with each dot representing one sample defined in sample_var.

plot_marker_boxplot(fcd = condor,
                    #marker = c("CD57","CD8"),
                    expr_slot ="orig",
                    cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                    cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                    facet_by_clustering = F,
                    group_var = "group", 
                    sample_var = "sample_ID",
                    fun = "median")

By default, the function outputs boxplots for all cell populations and markers available. But it is also possible to provide a vector of markers via the marker parameter or cell populations via cluster_to_show.

When using facet_by_clustering = T, plots are faceted by cell population, while the markers are located on the x-axis.

plot_marker_boxplot(fcd = condor,
                    marker = c("CD57","CD8"),
                    expr_slot ="orig",
                    cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                    cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                    facet_by_clustering = T,
                    group_var = "group", 
                    sample_var = "sample_ID",
                    fun = "median")

Export aggregated expression as data frame

For custom visualizations, the getTable() function can be used to calculate the median (output_type = "median") or the mean (output_type = "mean") expression for all combinations of cell populations and group variables in group_var.

getTable(fcd = condor,
         output_type = "mean",
         cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60", 
         cluster_var = "metaclusters", 
         group_var = "sample_ID", 
         numeric = F)
#> # A tibble: 66 × 30
#> # Groups:   group_var [6]
#>    group_var cluster   `FSC-A` `SSC-A`  CD38   CD8 `CD195 (CCR5)` `CD94 (KLRD1)`
#>    <chr>     <fct>       <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl>
#>  1 ID10      Classica…    4.26    4.03  3.61 1.53            1.60          2.21 
#>  2 ID10      CD4          4.15    3.54  2.42 2.12            1.86          1.35 
#>  3 ID10      CD8          4.12    3.66  1.83 3.63            1.96          2.22 
#>  4 ID10      Nk dim       4.09    3.71  3.24 1.82            1.24          2.74 
#>  5 ID10      Unconven…    4.14    3.68  1.47 1.95            2.29          1.52 
#>  6 ID10      CD16+ Mo…    4.22    3.96  1.83 2.01            1.96          2.64 
#>  7 ID10      NK bright    4.08    3.68  2.88 1.89            1.48          3.22 
#>  8 ID10      B cells      4.07    3.66  2.63 1.84            1.76          2.08 
#>  9 ID10      pDCs         4.21    3.81  3.32 1.65            3.53          1.44 
#> 10 ID10      Basophils    4.18    3.88  4.04 0.990           2.43          0.657
#> # ℹ 56 more rows
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: CD45RA <dbl>, `HLA-DR` <dbl>, CD56 <dbl>,
#> #   `CD127 (IL7RA)` <dbl>, CD14 <dbl>, CD64 <dbl>, CD4 <dbl>, IgD <dbl>,
#> #   CD19 <dbl>, CD16 <dbl>, CD32 <dbl>, `CD197 (CCR7)` <dbl>, CD20 <dbl>,
#> #   CD27 <dbl>, CD15 <dbl>, `PD-1` <dbl>, CD3 <dbl>, CD57 <dbl>, CD25 <dbl>,
#> #   `CD123 (IL3RA)` <dbl>, CD13 <dbl>, CD11c <dbl>

Differential testing with diffcyt

The diffcyt package (Weber et al.,2019) provides several advanced methods to perform exploratory differential analysis on high-dimensional cytometry data. The package enables the comparison of groups of samples from different biological conditions by providing both, methods to test for differential cell population abundance (DA) and methods to test differential expression within cell populations (differential state (DS) testing).

In this section, we show how a condor object, that was processed and clustered with cyCONDOR, can be converted into a SummarizedExperiment object and subsequently give an example how this object can be used with functions implemented in diffcyt.

For more details on diffcyt, please refer to the diffcyt publication by Weber et al. (2019) or the diffcyt Bioconductor vignette.

While the diffcyt publication itself, focused on the analysis of high resolution clustering of cytometry data, diffcyt has also been used in the Bioconductor workflow cytofWorkflow(Nowicka M, Crowell H, Robinson M (2024);DOI: 10.18129/B9.bioc.cytofWorkflow) to analyse lower resolution annotations based on knowledge-based merging of clusters.

If you use this workflow in your work please consider citing cyCONDOR and Weber et al. (2019).

Install packages

The diffcyt package is installed in the cyCONDOR docker image. If code is run in a different environment, you may have to install diffcyt.

# #Install 'diffcyt' package from Bioconductor
# BiocManager::install("diffcyt")

Convert condor object to SummarizedExperiment object

To run diffcyt's differential analysis pipeline on high-dimensional cytometry data clustered with cyCONDOR, the condor object needs to be converted into a compatible input format first. cyCONDOR provides the function prepInputDiffcyt() that generates a SummarizedExperiment object, tailored for the use with diffcyt.

  • fcd: condor object, that has been subjected to the condor clustering workflow before
  • cluster_slot: clustering slot from which clustering variable in cluster_var will be selected
  • cluster_typ: variable name of clustering that should be used to define cell populations during testing. The variable name will change to “cluster_id” since diffcyt requires cluster identifier to be stored in the variable “cluster_id”
  • sample_var: variable name in cell_anno that contains unique sample IDs. The variable name will change to “sample_id” since diffcyt requires sample IDs to be stored in the variable “sample_id”
  • meta_vars: vector of variables in cell_anno, which contain sample level metadata, meaning that each sample ID is associated with exactly one level per variable. All variables that the user wants to use in the test design need to be listed, e.g. group, donor_id.
  • marker_state: vector of marker names that should have the marker_class “state”
  • marker_type: vector of marker names that should have the marker_class “type”
# check that clustering or cell label prediction is available
#> List of 1
#>  $ phenograph_pca_orig_k_60:'data.frame':    59049 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   ..$ Phenograph  : Factor w/ 25 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 1 1 5 ...
#>   ..$ Description : chr [1:59049] "pca_orig_k60" "pca_orig_k60" "pca_orig_k60" "pca_orig_k60" ...
#>   ..$ metaclusters: Factor w/ 11 levels "Classical Monocytes",..: 1 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 3 ...
condor_se<-prepInputDiffcyt(fcd = condor,
                            cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                            cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                            sample_var = "sample_ID",
                            meta_vars = c("expfcs_filename","group"),
                            marker_state = NULL,
                            marker_type = NULL)

The function returns a SummarizedExperiment object containing:

  • metadata, including the experiment_info, which includes all the sample-level metadata provided in sample_var and meta_vars. Note that sample_var was renamed to “sample_id”
  • an assay “exprs”, which contains the feature values from the expr_slot “orig”
  • rowData, containing cell-level metadata as well as a column “cluster_id” containing the cell population labels and sample IDs in column “sample_id”
  • colData, containing marker names and marker types required for diffcyt functions
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 59049 28 
#> metadata(2): experiment_info n_cells
#> assays(1): exprs
#> rownames(59049): ID10.fcs_1 ID10.fcs_2 ... ID8.fcs_59048 ID8.fcs_59049
#> rowData names(4): sample_id expfcs_filename group cluster_id
#> colnames(28): FSC-A SSC-A ... CD13 CD11c
#> colData names(3): channel_name marker_name marker_class

Differential analysis workflow with diffcyt

Next we run the individual functions of the diffcyt analysis workflow, similar to the diffcyt Bioconductor vignette provided by the authors of the package.

Setup input for testing

First, we calculate the cell counts for each sample and cluster combination using diffcyt::calcCounts(). The counts are required for all diffcyt tests.

# calculate cell counts
d_counts <- diffcyt::calcCounts(condor_se)

# inspect object
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 11 6 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(11): Classical Monocytes CD4 ... Basophils Mixed
#> rowData names(2): cluster_id n_cells
#> colnames(6): ID10 ID3 ... ID7 ID8
#> colData names(3): sample_id expfcs_filename group
# inspect counts
#>                        ID10  ID3  ID5  ID6  ID7  ID8
#> Classical Monocytes    3184 2338 2372 2102 2151 3008
#> CD4                    1599 3654 3234 1301 4048 2758
#> CD8                    3266 1779 2270 2479 1350 2859
#> Nk dim                  641  825  517 1242 1490   79
#> Unconventional T cells  496   28   34  428    8  598
#> CD16+ Monocytes         342  350  219  494  143  255
#> NK bright               317  464  512  667  515  247
#> B cells                 111  354  493  192  171   86
#> pDCs                     24   80   66   30   55   54
#> Basophils                13   80   35   24   59   25
#> Mixed                     7   48  248   90   10   31

In a second step, we calculate the median marker expression for each sample and cluster combination using diffcyt::calcMedians(). This data is required for differential state testing, since diffcyt’s test are performed on the aggregated expression instead of cell level.

Note, that the output will also contain medians of scatter features, if those were available in the “orig” expression data of the condor object.

# Calculate cluster medians
d_medians <- diffcyt::calcMedians(condor_se)

#inspect medians
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 11 6 
#> metadata(2): id_type_markers id_state_markers
#> assays(28): FSC-A SSC-A ... CD13 CD11c
#> rownames(11): Classical Monocytes CD4 ... Basophils Mixed
#> rowData names(1): cluster_id
#> colnames(6): ID10 ID3 ... ID7 ID8
#> colData names(3): sample_id expfcs_filename group
# inspect medians
#>                             ID10       ID3       ID5       ID6       ID7
#> Classical Monocytes    1.2342792 0.9569836 0.8784949 1.1214760 0.9437813
#> CD4                    0.8636581 0.7256709 0.6477634 0.8112442 0.6627282
#> CD8                    3.2863153 0.8976232 0.9852229 2.3968618 0.7624646
#> Nk dim                 3.3696450 3.5735292 3.0539440 3.4984811 3.3147029
#> Unconventional T cells 3.8024406 2.7093433 2.7061293 3.3138678 3.3122278
#> CD16+ Monocytes        0.7645921 0.7576529 0.7646734 0.9454071 0.5967356
#> NK bright              0.7663569 0.8889427 0.7204651 0.8904777 0.7738680
#> B cells                0.6241813 0.3338990 0.4309125 0.5653783 0.3539324
#> pDCs                   0.9298423 1.0022037 0.7510136 0.9939891 0.7913450
#> Basophils              1.2820025 1.0921873 0.9382373 1.2456938 1.3153434
#> Mixed                  0.6692602 0.6345080 0.6300146 0.8673538 1.0005692
#>                              ID8
#> Classical Monocytes    1.2888429
#> CD4                    0.7754308
#> CD8                    3.2786161
#> Nk dim                 2.9819875
#> Unconventional T cells 3.7977096
#> CD16+ Monocytes        0.8756224
#> NK bright              1.0096297
#> B cells                0.4325274
#> pDCs                   1.0707367
#> Basophils              1.2879905
#> Mixed                  0.6692396

Next we prepare a design matrix describing our experimental design. In our example, we are interested in the factor “group”, indicating if a sample was taken from a patient or control donor. (Note: Some of the diffcyt tests require a formula instead of a design matrix.)


design <- diffcyt::createDesignMatrix(experiment_info,
                                      cols_design = c("group"))
#>      (Intercept) grouppat
#> ID10           1        1
#> ID3            1        0
#> ID5            1        0
#> ID6            1        1
#> ID7            1        0
#> ID8            1        1
#> attr(,"assign")
#> [1] 0 1
#> attr(,"contrasts")
#> attr(,"contrasts")$group
#> [1] "contr.treatment"

Additionally, diffcyt’s differential testing functions also require a contrast matrix specifying which comparisons should be performed.

# Create contrast matrix
contrast <- diffcyt::createContrast(c(0, 1))

# check
nrow(contrast) == ncol(design)
#> [1] TRUE

data.frame(parameters = colnames(design), contrast)
#>    parameters contrast
#> 1 (Intercept)        0
#> 2    grouppat        1

Test differential abundance

After all the input objects are set up, we can perform the differential abundance test testDA_edgeR(), the default method for DA testing in diffcyt.

# perform differential abundance test
res_DA <- diffcyt::testDA_edgeR(d_counts, design, contrast)
# table of results ordered by increasing adjusted p-value
diffcyt::topTable(res_DA, all = TRUE)
#> DataFrame with 11 rows and 3 columns
#>                                    cluster_id       p_val       p_adj
#>                                      <factor>   <numeric>   <numeric>
#> Unconventional T cells Unconventional T cells 3.34055e-11 3.67461e-10
#> Basophils              Basophils              1.37570e-02 7.56633e-02
#> B cells                B cells                3.35765e-02 1.23114e-01
#> CD4                    CD4                    5.33195e-02 1.46629e-01
#> CD8                    CD8                    1.04608e-01 1.92753e-01
#> pDCs                   pDCs                   1.05138e-01 1.92753e-01
#> CD16+ Monocytes        CD16+ Monocytes        2.23765e-01 3.51631e-01
#> Mixed                  Mixed                  3.37025e-01 4.63409e-01
#> Classical Monocytes    Classical Monocytes    4.51969e-01 5.52406e-01
#> Nk dim                 Nk dim                 6.36207e-01 6.99827e-01
#> NK bright              NK bright              7.24174e-01 7.24174e-01

According to the results table, Unconventional T cell show differential abundance with an adjusted p-value below 0.05. We can use cyCONDOR to visualize the population frequencies per sample for this population - note the frequency is used for visualization purposes only, diffcyt takes the counts for each cluster sample combination as input.

plots <- plot_frequency_boxplot(fcd = condor,
                                cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                                cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                                sample_var = "sample_ID",
                                group_var = "group",
                                numeric = F,
                                color_palette = c("ctrl"="purple","pat"="darkorange"))

plots$`Unconventional T cells`

Test differential states

Next, we give an example on how to apply the differential state test testDS_LMM from diffcyt.

This function actually requires a formula instead of design.


formula <- createFormula(experiment_info, cols_fixed = "group")

#> $formula
#> y ~ group
#> <environment: 0x55ca76c06a90>
#> $data
#>      group
#> ID10   pat
#> ID3   ctrl
#> ID5   ctrl
#> ID6    pat
#> ID7   ctrl
#> ID8    pat
#> $random_terms
#> [1] FALSE

It is important to note that thediffcyt workflow distinguishes between “type” and “state” markers. “type” markers identify cell types and are used for clustering, while “state” markers are used to investigate different states, e.g. activation. By default, only state markers are tested for differential expression. This clear separation avoids that the same data is used twice - for clustering and for differential state analysis. On the other hand, a clear distinction of type and state markers is often quite difficult, e.g. HLA-DR can be used to identify myeloid or B cell populations in peripheral blood, but is also upregulated on activated cells.

During the processing of this dataset, all parameters were used for clustering. Due the broad annotation, differential state analysis is still of interest here. When working on an high resolution clustering based on all markers, this might be different. For example, you could have identified a small population of HLA-DR+ T cells already, and a frequency or abundance test could capture the difference between your biological groups already, while differential state analysis might be difficult. Overall, the explicit setup of this analysis strongly depends on the used panel and the research question.

But back to our example. The diffcyt functions require that a marker_class is specified for every parameter. Therefor, we should check first which marker class has been assigned to the markers when converting the data with prepInputDiffcyt(). Since we didn’t specify certain markers in marker_state or marker_type when generating condor_se with the prepInputDiffcyt() function, by default all available features were classified as “type”.

#check marker annotation in condor_se
marker_info<-SummarizedExperiment::colData(condor_se) %>%
#>                channel_name   marker_name marker_class
#> FSC-A                 FSC-A         FSC-A         type
#> SSC-A                 SSC-A         SSC-A         type
#> CD38                   CD38          CD38         type
#> CD8                     CD8           CD8         type
#> CD195 (CCR5)   CD195 (CCR5)  CD195 (CCR5)         type
#> CD94 (KLRD1)   CD94 (KLRD1)  CD94 (KLRD1)         type
#> CD45RA               CD45RA        CD45RA         type
#> HLA-DR               HLA-DR        HLA-DR         type
#> CD56                   CD56          CD56         type
#> CD127 (IL7RA) CD127 (IL7RA) CD127 (IL7RA)         type
#> CD14                   CD14          CD14         type
#> CD64                   CD64          CD64         type
#> CD4                     CD4           CD4         type
#> IgD                     IgD           IgD         type
#> CD19                   CD19          CD19         type
#> CD16                   CD16          CD16         type
#> CD32                   CD32          CD32         type
#> CD197 (CCR7)   CD197 (CCR7)  CD197 (CCR7)         type
#> CD20                   CD20          CD20         type
#> CD27                   CD27          CD27         type
#> CD15                   CD15          CD15         type
#> PD-1                   PD-1          PD-1         type
#> CD3                     CD3           CD3         type
#> CD57                   CD57          CD57         type
#> CD25                   CD25          CD25         type
#> CD123 (IL3RA) CD123 (IL3RA) CD123 (IL3RA)         type
#> CD13                   CD13          CD13         type
#> CD11c                 CD11c         CD11c         type

Obviously, we would like to exclude FSC-A and SSC-A from differential testing. To do so, we either have to go back and specify marker_state and marker_type in prepInputDiffct(). Or we provide the diffcyt test with a logical vector of marker to include for testing via the markers_to_test argument.

The original diffcyt workflow was set up for arcsinh transformed cyTOF or flow cytometry data. Here, we applied it to a flow cytometry dataset that was autological transformed. The observed p-values were however very similar to those obtained when using a arcsinh transformation (cofactor 150) on this dataset.

#get logical vector of marker to be tested
markers_oi <- !names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(d_medians)) %in% c("SSC-A","FSC-A")

# perform differential state analysis
res_DS <- diffcyt::testDS_LMM(d_counts, d_medians, formula, contrast,
                                markers_to_test = markers_oi)
# display table of results ordered by increasing adjusted p-value
diffcyt::topTable(res_DS, format_vals = FALSE)
#> DataFrame with 20 rows and 4 columns
#>                                    cluster_id     marker_id      p_val
#>                                      <factor>      <factor>  <numeric>
#> CD8                    CD8                    CD94 (KLRD1)  0.00345526
#> CD8                    CD8                    CD57          0.00197002
#> Classical Monocytes    Classical Monocytes    CD57          0.00571846
#> CD8                    CD8                    CD27          0.00978021
#> Unconventional T cells Unconventional T cells CD123 (IL3RA) 0.00905320
#> ...                                       ...           ...        ...
#> Classical Monocytes    Classical Monocytes             CD15  0.0263070
#> Classical Monocytes    Classical Monocytes             IgD   0.0492237
#> pDCs                   pDCs                            CD19  0.0498908
#> Nk dim                 Nk dim                          CD32  0.0464321
#> Unconventional T cells Unconventional T cells          CD57  0.0453162
#>                            p_adj
#>                        <numeric>
#> CD8                     0.494102
#> CD8                     0.494102
#> Classical Monocytes     0.545160
#> CD8                     0.559428
#> Unconventional T cells  0.559428
#> ...                          ...
#> Classical Monocytes     0.709578
#> Classical Monocytes     0.713439
#> pDCs                    0.713439
#> Nk dim                  0.713439
#> Unconventional T cells  0.713439

Let’s have a look at the top cluster marker combinations.

res<-diffcyt::topTable(res_DS, all = TRUE) %>% data.frame()
#>                                    cluster_id     marker_id       p_val
#> CD8                                       CD8  CD94 (KLRD1) 0.003455261
#> CD8.1                                     CD8          CD57 0.001970022
#> Classical Monocytes       Classical Monocytes          CD57 0.005718462
#> CD8.2                                     CD8          CD27 0.009780213
#> Unconventional T cells Unconventional T cells CD123 (IL3RA) 0.009053205
#> pDCs                                     pDCs        CD45RA 0.018106991
#>                            p_adj
#> CD8                    0.4941023
#> CD8.1                  0.4941023
#> Classical Monocytes    0.5451600
#> CD8.2                  0.5594282
#> Unconventional T cells 0.5594282
#> pDCs                   0.5753999

In this case no marker shows an FDR corrected p-value <0.05.

Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning, that results always require visual inspection to set potential findings into context. We can use cyCONDOR functions to visualize the median expression.

p1<-plot_marker_boxplot(fcd = condor,
                        marker = c("CD94 (KLRD1)"),
                        expr_slot ="orig",
                        cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                        cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                        cluster_to_show = "CD8",
                        facet_by_clustering = F,
                        group_var = "group",
                        sample_var = "sample_ID",
                        fun = "median")

condor$anno$cell_anno$group_sample_ID<-paste(condor$anno$cell_anno$group, condor$anno$cell_anno$sample_ID, sep="_")
p2<-plot_marker_violinplot(fcd = condor,
                        marker = c("CD94 (KLRD1)"),
                        expr_slot ="orig",
                        cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                        cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                        cluster_to_show = "CD8",
                        group_var = "group_sample_ID")

p3<-plot_marker_violinplot(fcd = condor, 
                           expr_slot ="orig",
                           marker = "CD94 (KLRD1)",
                           cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                           cluster_var = "metaclusters")

plots<-cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(p1,p2),rel_widths = c(2,3))
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(plots,p3),ncol=1,rel_heights = c(1,1.5))

p1<-plot_marker_boxplot(fcd = condor,
                        marker = c("CD57"),
                        expr_slot ="orig",
                        cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                        cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                        cluster_to_show = "CD8",
                        facet_by_clustering = F,
                        group_var = "group",
                        sample_var = "sample_ID",
                        fun = "median")

condor$anno$cell_anno$group_sample_ID<-paste(condor$anno$cell_anno$group, condor$anno$cell_anno$sample_ID, sep="_")
p2<-plot_marker_violinplot(fcd = condor,
                        marker = c("CD57"),
                        expr_slot ="orig",
                        cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                        cluster_var = "metaclusters",
                        cluster_to_show = "CD8",
                        group_var = "group_sample_ID")

p3<-plot_marker_violinplot(fcd = condor, 
                           expr_slot ="orig",
                           marker = "CD57",
                           cluster_slot = "phenograph_pca_orig_k_60",
                           cluster_var = "metaclusters")

plots<-cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(p1,p2),rel_widths = c(2,3))
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(plots,p3),ncol=1,rel_heights = c(1,1.5))